DTC Nov/15 Lima, Pay-roo

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

DTC 11/08/15
Nila-cala Mandir, Lima (Peru)
2.48PM   R(19)
File Purge!

2.54 PM R(20)
Fast Japa??!   Yet, we seemed to be chanting clearly?

          BLOG: 14-letters to read on the for the Blog. We read and answered/posted one that said URGENT from the Citraka Das immediately.
           YAHOO: Letter of thanks to Bolivia. Download the Kapi-Dhvaja to Bhakta Kindle!

3.24 PM R(19)

3.30 PM R(20)
It is strange to think that we can re-assure 108 Gopis, "Please pray to Krsnah and Ramah to engage You in Their service once again. They have not forgotten You.  They miss you very much!"

More Yahoo review!

5.00 PM  R(23) !
We also responded to questions from the Bhaktivedanta Archives about our proposal to put slide shows of the LOB art on their website. We made a little power point show as a sample. We reduced it but it was still 22MB so we had to up-load it to our Web Page.
Also, little Skype to Chile about LOB shows there!
O.K. Back to Yahoo-mail review.
It is getting dark.  It is usually cold and cloudy.  M. Yugala and Candra mukhi are other parts of the plaza, temple, here.

Tuesday 2.12AM  R(4)
We planned to finnish our work after Gaura Arati and BG class. We had our doubts that we would do it, and it was true. After 8.00PM it is impossible to do anything practical, as far as we have heard and seen.
Better to read the Krsna book or die.
Now we will chant Japa until 3.24AM then exercise, bath, Hanuman Puja ...
Now let's send the BhVai examination to Radhika et al!

2.48 AM - Oof!   All this time to find the Examination. Add the test verses and send it to Radhika!  Still quick letter to Srinivasas et al, that we have sent it and the others, where we should send it.

2.54AM - R(4)

3.30AM - R(8)
And one "Emergency" Letter.

6.30AM   R(18)    Mangala arati etc with Rupa-gosai, Abhirama Das and M. Yugala & Mary. Pujari = Raghunatha Das.  30-small books distributed yesterday!
O.K. We go to the Blog and post this and answer a few letters.
Then we still have to do our BhVai reading and writing.  Our BhSastri  r/r, our Dr. Samaresh editing, our Annual Event, M. Jambavati's book and letters to the editor and the monkey/piggy.  No time for "fun".  Haw!    Haw!   Hare!!!!!!