Private: Request for siksa

13 years, 6 months ago by Fallenservant
    Your Holiness Hanumat Presaka Maharaj,

  • Hare Krishna! Dandavats!

    Please accept my most humble obesences.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupda! All glories to Nitai-Gauranga and His sankirtan mission!

    I am writing to you today to ask for your most needed blessings and most kind help in bringing me up from the material existence into the light of Krishna consciousness. I have been reading Srila Prahbupda's books for approximately one year now, attending temple and rising early for japa around 4am also (16 rounds daily). I have been strictly observing the four regulatory principles and am currently heading up the book distribution efforts here in Houston since July. I have had many challenges but Krishna has always been beside me to push me onwards.

    I most desire to find a spiritual master to aspire to in the next year, and wish to request from a few of Prabhupada's learned disciples to have mercy on me, a fallen servant. Thus I am would sincerely request from you, Maharaj, to accept my request to formally take you as my siksa guru.

    I have enjoyed the classes you have given throughout this year here in Houston. Also, I have been listening to you speak on Skpe on The Nectar of Instruction, Srimad Bhagavatam and watched or listened to many lectures and classes online. Your teachings are vey clear to me and I take a wonderful example from your devotion to the Supreme Lord. Please contact the Houston temple president Syamsundara Das Prabhuji for any reference at: [email protected] or 713-459-4327.

    I will be spending some time in Sri Vrindavan Dham during this Kartik. Your wonderful disciple Jiva Goswami Prabhu is a good friend and he suggested that I come in October when you are also to be there. I have booked a ticket for mid-October to be there also, along with a visit to Sri Mayapur Dham.

  • I pray this message finds you in good health and good spirits. I also pray for the kindness of your frank reply and thank you in advance for such causeless mercy.Please excuse my rude interruption in your service, but I only ask for your forgiveness and kind instruction for here forward.
  • Awaiting your honest reply, I remain always your insignificant servant,

    David Garvin
    Sugar Land, Texas
  • HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  Please forgive the one week, two day delay in answering.   We are in Peru and with a ton of work.  It is the mercy of God that this moron embecile can write to you at all.  In general, we do not take Siksa-guru role aa formality. Especially before initiation.  Then it is Vartmana pradarsika Guru.      He is a really fine link for some discussion of Guru by Srila Prabhupada.
  • I am cursed that I cannot exactly remember you, but your name sounds really familiar.  We get to USA next Wednesday, so maybe we can talk then. Our cellular should be 209 505-3219.
  • Our schedule for India etc is at our Calendar site:
  • Basically I recommend have a clear idea of Prabhupada as the Founder Acharya for you, me and anybody else in ISKCON and then on that basis get shelter of Diksa-guru and Siksa-guru.
    Any other questions?