13 years, 7 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA

AgtSP, pamho.

I am Pablo of the Parikrama, from Spain.

I hope You are good in all conditions.

To questions of association and where i live now, try to be brief.

I fougth with my father and my brother, and although there isn´t hatred, there is space between us.

I went of Balarama Loka, the family farm, and lived in the car. Very good days those, simple life like in Vrndavana-Mayapura, next to rivers, rounds, studying, reading...but commitments with Varuna and my " legal standard " made me accept and offer of one old friend of the army to go and live together.

He is like a brother to me, but a very bad association for me, specially in my actual condition...I was better in the car, but not for the future of Varuna, now.

Now I am trying to work in anything, but not yet, and that scare me, becouse I have to do my duty...ufff. I am very upset with this. I can not live with devoties becouse Virginia could cut my neck with her BIG pig lawyers. I am very very upset with this.

I usually do my best all the worst times, and Virginia is undoubtedly the best training...jajaja....Amen.

Now I am training a lot becouse it clear my body and mind, and is very compatible with me. I feel great trying not to change me, but conquer me, but externally I do more ugly, is more the moment is that. What do You thing Maharaja about that ? Will this another trick of my mind?...another, another...

Again, chanting the rounds, 16, but some times less. Whatever I do i hope to always sing the rounds, and every time I remember I associating in the heart.

I am also doing therapies for Chakras and subtle energitation, i need really for my psychic state.

Much wild forest where I now live, beautiful...Lugo, Lucus Augusti, the Sacred Forest of Caesar Augusti. 100 km of Santiago de Compostela.

From day 10 hope continue my studies and, CC and Krsna Book.

Good days these last.

I hope to have some good act on short-medium time.

Its funny, but in the meantime of Caos, sometime I think I am.

At your feet.


P.D: Is possible in september i can see you.

Is it possible that but my nature I must and need always be between agresive energies? I think that energies hurt me, but not destroy me completly...??? What do You think Maharaja?

THE SOLDIER´S POEM                                                  EL POEMA DEL SOLDADO

Fire in the Night,                                                           Fuego en la Noche,

Songs, expanding,                                                        Cantos, expandiendo,

Dances that surround                                                 Bailes que Rodean

Circle of Fire.                                                                 Circulo de Fuego.

HARE KRSNA                                                                   HARE KRSNA

HARE RAMA,                                                                   HARE RAMA,

NRSIMHA, NRSIMHA.                                                    NRSIMHA, NRSIMHA.

A Murder Weapon,                                                       Un Arma Asesina,

where Are already                                                        en los que ya Estan

Dead.                                                                              Muertos.

Don´t worry for me much, please, I´m a fool Maharaja, You need the energy for other things.

Thanks You very much.

TB - BW --  Esteemed Vraja-fool
Take a vow to chant a fixed number of rounds, something that you know you can do from now until Radhastami, 4th September!     Send us the number of rounds you plan to chant As Soon As Possible.     Can you spend a few days in Radhadesa while we are in Spain.   Calendar is always advanced at:

Is so nice to hear from you and your fight!