Raindrops in a desert

13 years, 7 months ago by jaynityananda

Dear Hanumatpresaka Maharaj,

AGTSP, Pamho,

In regard to your inquiry on my whereabouts. Please allow me to give a short summary.

About a year ago, when i wanted to leave Belgium because of my attachments to personal income and family life, it coincided with the short deathbed and passing of my father. When that was over, my cousin invited me to her house, in the town where i live now, for allowing me to start up things again. Right now, i still live in this town, in a quiet part of the country. No devotee association, but some nice yoga people nevertheless. I managed to get a job in my line of study, which turned out mostly detrimental. I started visiting the Amsterdam temple again, which is a 3hrs + trainride, but because i really miss and need the association, i am now in the preliminary process of moving into the vicinity of Amsterdam and the people through which i first came in contact with KC.

In conclusion, my life goes quite irregular here, so by this move i wish i can continue again to balance out my life towards a steady sadhana and sankirtan, and a job supportive to my needs, after this initial trial and error period.

Jayatam suratau pangor
mama manda mater gati
mat sarvasva padam bojou
Radha Madana Mohanou

I sincerely hope to meet again later on. All the best with your vehicle and mission in spreading Srila Prabhupada's mercy,

Richard van Dijck

HpS - ASA  -   AGTSP   very intersting.   Everybody is diferent, so everybody is interesting to Krsna Himself: Just see Radha, how Richard is dealing with this situation.  It is very interesting.  Let's watch!