Are not this Body

13 years, 7 months ago by Cruz Santa

All glories toSrila Prabhupada
All glories to you dear Maharaja

We continue to struggle to follow their instructions, we had some setbacks with our Sadhana, but we remain consistent in their realization starting 4:00 AM, at home 4 Principles, 16 rounds and the fixed service in the temple 4 days a week.

ASA - AGTSP who has given us this process!!!   Paoho

 We are going through some tests, Krishna wants us to make tha tare not this body. OnJuly 21at  6:40AM,which was my father   left the body.Just 20 hours  before was hospitalized  Because ofcomplications from alcoholism while trying to stop drinking many times,to no avail. My mother spent the whole night until he started to leave the body and told me that right then she prayed to Krishna ~"You who are the owner of all,you have the last word if you want to stay or leave that is your decision,but please that this is happening you can understand the need and need to bewith youtohelp himcome to you"~Thenhe leftthe body.

ASA - Boop!

Maharaja, I am not intelligent but Krishna has left me his mercy at all times and that has helped me put everything in their hands but because of my selfish desires I feel sad for their separation.  Some Vaisnavas were with us at this time Sri Radha Mother. gave us Tulsi of Vrindavan to prepare your body, decorated with Tilak We put caranamrta, and Kunti mala. Vidagdha Prabhu gave us Mother Ganges water and put in your body.

For administrative procedures had to watch over him overnight, were chanting the Maha Mantra all night, we read the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Sri Srimad Isopanisad later in the morning during incineration we read again the Sri Isopanisad and sang some more. The atmosphere was very calming for me and as I say, I could feel the INFINITE MERCY of our beloved Krishna. Too much.

And even as Krishna gives to me is hard to detach, although his late father forgot a bit of God ... He was the first person who showed me Krishna and I am very grateful, even when I do various activities not so good, I know that Krishna does not forget the little we do to approach him ... so he prayed to maintain that was my father, forever in your service.

Dear  Maharaja  just  had  to  talk  about, and I apologize for distracting  from  their activities  with  these  things, please  apologize  for  any  offense.

Your aspiring servant
Bhaktin Cruz Santa

ASA - So, nice!   You are such a lucky girl to have such a nice father, mother, church.   How did you get so lucky!       Of course, your father has gone some place better.    You may get some news in some time where he is.  How he is.  What is his austerity.   But of course, as you have some relation to him still, he probably has relation to you, so your austerities for his benefit have effect.  Chant one round for his peace and advancement until Janmastami if you want to.  Thank you for such good news. and our best wishes to your mother and all family!!