Diary of a Traveling Creature - Tue (July 26)

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

2011 July 26

Hare Krsna. Prabhus,
AGTSP   paoho.  Here we are in Lima Peru
(Aqui estamos en LIma Peru.)
(Primero dia.) First day.

It was tough.  (Estuvo dura.)
We maintain our basic Yoga. (Mantenemos nuestra yoga basica.)
(Ya tenemos 23 de nuestra 25 rondas completas.)   Now we have 23 of our 25 Basic Rounds done.
Mangala arati, Kirtana, Clase y (and) programa por la tarde (evening program).
Is so nice,   (Es tan agregable).

Estamos desarrollando verdadero conocimiento trascendental. (We are developing actual eternal knowledge).

We have some many challenges from our own personal Sankirtana (Tenemos algunos problemas de nuestra Sankirtana particular). ANJANA SUTA ACADEMY.
And so many challenges trying to serve and help global ISKCON (Y tan muchos desafios trantando servir a y ayudar ISKCON global).

But the Holy Names and Srila Prabhupada's mercy and guidance are fine. (Pero los Santos Nombres y misercordia y guia de Srila Prabhupada son buenos).

O.K. Adelante  (O.K. Forward).

We had a lot of success fixing the Peru, Tennessee and India calendars today. (Puede pasa de aqui por Babblefish.com para traduccion -cion -cion!) Still need more work and Europe and Seattle no progress.
Now lets anser a few letters, hear the Krsna book and take rest.  It's 9.07PM
Thank you!