13 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R.



First of all thanks you for give me an answer, im really happy. I'm going to tell you a little about myself...I'm 18 years old, and im going to the temple since last year, now im studying Sociology, but i want to change to Political Science. I'm chanting my 16 rounds, following the 4 principles, and i have read many books, but there is maaaaany books that i didnt read, now im reading Upadesamrita, and Sri Isopanisad, the last book i read was The teachings of lord Caitanya( in spanish is : Vida y Enseñanza de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu). Im trying to get up early, and since two months i am in a formal service, that was "Guirnaldas", but now for the Grace of one of your disciple (Kriyasakti devi dasi) i'm in the Deities   kitchen, and Pujari Assistant <img alt="laugh" height="20" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.gif" title="laugh" width="20" /> its so nice, im receiving so much darshan, is awesome. 

Now i'm going to tell you about NEW YORK CITY! The grandfather of my associate invited me and him, for 20 days, was amazing i visited the first temple of prabhupada, and also the biiiiiig temple in Brooklyn! I LOVEEE RADHA GOVINDA! Their faces was oh my god the most beautiful thing! I fell in love. I was in the HARE KRISHNA TREE! jajaja <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif" title="smiley" width="20" /> Beautiful, the ground around the tree was with so many flowers amazing, we had a little HARINAM with devotees of the temple in Brooklyn there, and also we meet the GURUKULIS ! jay! Very nice kids, one of them was a Brahmacari (13 years old) and with his first and second iniciation, very serious. People in there, was very happy (: and the fooood taste really good, very good prasadam! . 
Also we went in MIAMI! BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE! nice devotees! so much heat! many mosquitooos! JAJAJA they had a reaaally big tulasi, very beautiful, and the deities GORGEOUS! 
  If we go the next year, maybe we're going to go to California! :D 

Sorry about the extense letter...and also my excuses for my bad english.

i want to write more letters, can i ? 


Your Servant,  CAMILA! <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" width="18" /><img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/36.gif" title="" width="18" /> hariboool!

ASA -  Jaya.  AGTSP   paoho.  Very nice Diary of a Traveling Student.  You service is super.     You are not yet a Formal Aspirant, no?     As long as we are chanting Hare Krsna, we are making progress.   Of course, if we don't follow the 4-principles then it can take 400 life times to come to the point of chanting so well that we automatically follow the four principles.
So, be a strict upright lady.  Be an example for the whole world and then by chanting 16-rounds a day and worshipping Tulasi/Gaura Nitai you will develop fine mystical powers.

But what will you do with them?

5.30AM  - R (7)