Sarahi Report

13 years, 7 months ago by sarahii

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!

All Glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!!!!!!!!!!!

All Glories to you!!!!!!

HpS - ASA -  Some little, little, glories to us!

Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances, we are still in Cueramaro, in the Bhakti Sastri course, Priya Sakhi matayi is our teacher in this course. We are trying to wake up earlier than normal, we are chanting our japa rounds, taking part in Mangala  Artic, doing service and studying the Bhagavad Gita.

ASA - This will certainly interest Maya-devi!  She will be pleased to offer you more advanced tests now.  Jo!  Jo!

These last days have been in a lot of introspection and anxiety due to the tests Krishna gives us to work our defect, we have inside our heart like enuy, false ego, and lack of humility.

Each one af us has a lot of internal work, but I still can’t understand why  it’s so difficult to over pass or transcend all these things, Gurudeva  I pray for your causeless mercy so I can overpass these anxietities and be able to help you serve and please Srila Prabhupada.

Your servent   Bhaktin Sarahi

ASA - Because these are not ordinary tests.   This game with Maya is for eternal prizes. Whatever 10-centavos you win you will have to invest again and again and again and ........
.....  it is 3.22AM, Monday.   We leave to the airport to fly to Peru at 4.30AM.   Up at 2AM we've been packing, after one month in Chile.   Our only aim is to go back to Goloka and take everybody that we can with us.     There is so much work to do there.       Yes, humility is the biggest austerity.  But Jayananda Prabhu told us that it doesn't mean to be artificially small.   It means to find our actual position, abilities and use them for Krsna.  And then we can be honestly proud that we DID SOMETHING for Krsna.   Like a little girl helping her mother make cookies her father's birthday!