Cakori Radha, Sri Vrindavan Dham.

13 years, 7 months ago by Cakori Radha

Hare Krsna Guru Deva!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Please Guru Maharaja, accept our obeisance at your feet.
We are happy to hear that you are in chile.
we are looking your classes thanks to the wonderful internet.
Our family is doing Ok, our mother still in Vrindavan, she is making nice advanced.
So many nice friends, association that help us.
We where thinking and we remember so many times you hearing talking about Lalita Madhava, so we got interested and start reading it.
we want to make a play of it, maybe for Radhastami?

Guru Maharaja,
we are so happy that our friends are coming to Vrindavan.... that we want to help them, with everything we can.
I wanted to ask if you could tell devotees that want to come for Kartik to contact me, so I can help them all.
We got a huge house for all of them, that comes with a separeted space for Brahmacaris :)
I wanted to ask you if you have a place already, because if you don't we would like to help you with that.
We want to do something out of this life.

Our doughter's name is Madhumati Manjari, she is a very sweet soul. 

We want to get kicked hard, kick it really good, so we can get out of this stupidity. Once I read from one of our teachers, Paulo Freire, that when you recognize your weekness, then, and just then you can make something to defeat it... so I say out loud and with all my heart, I HAVE PROBLEMS CHANTING MY JAPA!!! AND I DON'T WANT TO NOT CHANT.... I want to do something about it and I need help!!! SOMETIMES I ACT AS A SAHAJIYA.

Gurudeva, please, forgive my offenses, they are not intentional. but I still think I need a bump in my head.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Traying to serve, Cakori Radha Devi dasi.

we got 2kg of bananas for the monkeys, from you... they where really happy and didn't attack us :)

p.s: we don't want to be like Putana :(

HpS    -    A-G-T-S-P-!    pamho.
O.K.    -     3AM.    If you looked at the previous letters and the DCT then you can see that we started with 9-rounds left from our 25/day from yesterday!  Now we've finished those.  Chant three rounds. Read a letter.  Your's is nice, but yes, can be nicer. Have to realize that Krsna is capable of killing all the demons that come to Vrndavana.
Even when Krsna and Balarama were manifestly present in Vrndavana there were demos coming like Kesi, in the form of a carnivorous horse and their loud roaring was so terrifying that the girls had miscarriages and lost their babies!
So, we have to have intense experience that Krsna and Balarama can protect us, even in Vrndavana, especially in Vrndavana.  That comes from some regular Sadhana for us, no?       16-rounds are nourishment for Madhumati.   You can actually feel that as you chant.  She is not an ordinary person, so Maya is out to contaminate her!   It is a very grave responsibility to protect her so she can grow up and do wonderful things for society.
What happened to Radha-carana devi dasi!!?
More news from Vraja!
We get back to our Japa!
Join us.   We can't do everything, but first priority for the welfare of all is 16-nice rounds minimum!!!