13 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to you,

Still we havent bought the farm, but we are eager to do so, the land is still to expensive to our budget, so we are expecting krisna`s will.
Gurudeva i`m realizing so much dhuka alayam. I need a lot of dhairyat, I think that is my main problem now.
Getting up early every day chanting 16 rounds, preaching to patients, many of them started to chant hare krisna hare krisna krisna krisna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare.
Only hope is your instructions, safe path toward Srila Prabhupada`s lotus feet.
I started this program with family, reading the bible and the krisna book every afternoon for 30 min.
We are developing also a program for kids at the loft.
My regards to Panca Tattva et al.
Hare Krisna!!!

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  Senor Mar de Plata, Argentina. Thank you for your letter.  Please escuse the delay.  You can see some justification for delay in the DTC.    Your news from Mar is super, SUPER,  S U P E R !     Visit of Pancha-tattva Das and another devotee from Mar here in Santiago is very nice.   Cold here also. I also need to develope tolerance to advance. NOI-3. Enthusiasm is more important than patience. We have to go ahead with enthusiasm, have an inspiring goal and a practical way to achieve it!
Then patience and determination are natural parts of our enthusiasm!
We do the austerity and we see the good result.
If it is too stressful, it is not K.C.
Krsna wants us to work for Him nicely, not Dog-hard. Then we can gradually and steadily get qualified to return to our service!
O.K. 2.06AM  -   R(-6/25)      - -       Let's chant three more rounds and read another post.   What about getting a fruit orchard to start with?  We can c-ordinate our children's programs with Bali mardana Prabhu and the devotees in San Jose maybe.  Is there information at: ?  Another book that you might find even better than the Bible is "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas Akempis.   It is several hundred years old and the second biggest selling Christian book after the Bible.  It has many very nice things even for ISKCON devotees.  Another is the story of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain.  If it is not translated into Spanish you could do it each day.  You could read and your good wife could type up the translations!   You can see www.bhati.or for the books.