Saddhana´s report from Jan- June from Buenos Aires Temple

13 years, 7 months ago by radhamm

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva!!

AGSP!! Please accept my humble obeisances onto your lotus feet. Hope everything´s ok with You. I´d love to be in Chile right now w/ You but Sri Sri Gaura Nitay are pushing me up more and more...and it´s just amazing..i´m really sorry for my late  in sending my report, almost don´t connect due my service.

Regarding to my saddhana - ROUNDS  everyday 25 rounds trying to improve more. i feel like i can do better than this...would you give me your blessings....sometimes is really austere to acomplish ...due my service but here I go...-4 PRINCIPLES- strictly followed -Daily activities- waking up everyday 02.45 a.m then at 03.45 a.m waking up Gaura Nitay for Mangala Arakti, 3 times a week full service from Mangala till Govinda ... bhoga arakti cooking and puja then put Them in ciesta (12.30 ) .On wednesday work at the temple Boutique from 4 p., till 8 p. m .on tuesday Gaura arakti and put Our lords to sleep. Sankirtan one or twice a week( we ´re collecting fotr the temple,it´s being soooo great)...I´m in charge now to wacht over the new bhaktins for sankirtan and studies Study and read at least 1 hour a day( I wish  to do it more...but sometimes  I need a nap!). Harinama every saturday.(we all want more then once a week, we´re all here in the temple count down the days for Saturday,it´s amazing ... On sunday´s Festival I´m on the donations programm for the temple, it´s a such nice programe. -Authorities  Iskcon Buenos Aires - Pesident of temple: prabhu Maha Hari das , Ashram leader. Madre Vrndavana Biharini dd and Radhika Madhavi dd

Message to You GM - AGSP!! PAMHO! Thank you soooooooooo much.There´s nothing else in this world  sublime as  serving Sri Sri Gaura Nitay everyday and being in such great association w/ devotees, godbrothers and sisters. , it´s just fullfiled my heart and soul...and all of that wouldn´t be posible without Your mercy and trust in myself. Miss U a lot GM.. My only desire is qualifying me to serve U , Prabhupada and devotees  as better as posible.

Enjoy Chile, beloved Gurudeva!! Hare Krishna!!  Greetings from cold  Buenos Aires...

Your humble and eternal servant, Radha Madana Manohara dd

HpS - ASA !!   AGTSP   pamho.   I think you can see frm the other letters we are just as busy.  Now we have to run out.  It is 4.45PM for our 5-6PM Japa walk, consultation with devotees.   You schedule, everything seems so great.   Just accept that Gaura Nitai are personally taking care of your Ashrama situation. If they want us to be Grhastha, Vanaprastha, Sannyasa....    It is a very, very considered choice by Them.

Please send us more news after the next Kapi Dhvaja!