DTC July 4, 2011

13 years, 8 months ago by hps

of a
Traveling Creature
2011 July 4
Estimado Moo-Chacos y Moo-Chacas, Hare Krsna. AGTSP  paoho.  Here we are in our room in the Temple in Chile fighting with Dragons as they pass by.  It is 5.00PM (New York Time) and it is cold and getting dark.  Brrr.     It is Winter here. Follows some notes we made on previos days.  Now we will try to answer a few Blog Posts.   Has been very busy with moving from Peru to Chile, but our health is O.K.   We have slight heart a-rhythmias here and there.   We can all die at any moment, so live well.


of a
Traveling Creature

THURSDAY (30-June)
Estimado [Esteemed]
Moo-Chachos y Moo-Chachas [Boys and Girls]
Welcome to the eternal "Diary of a Traveling Creature" by Monkey/Piggy.  We are sitting on our platform in the guest-room of the ISKCON Miraflores Community Center. Restaurante Govinda is below and the temple-room of Lord Jagannatha is across the patio. The Pacific Ocean [Santi Maha-samudra] is about 11-blocks away.
We have one round left from our 25/day from yesterday, let's chant!

2.07AM R(-1)

2.14AM R(0)
   Hear every Name . . .

2.38AM R(4)
   By chanting every Mantra
 Within a rapid frame (3-seconds).
    "K-R-S-N-A" is a bullet that puts your aches to shame.
"RaaM" is a hammer that makes all bad dogs tame!

2.45AM R(4)

3.15AM R(8)
The Mind he wanders, here and there.
  Takes his Mission from just a stare!
Bring him back, sit him down,
  Don't let him act a downtown clown!

Chant one Mantra for all you see.
  Pre-payed, one Mantra, counseling fee,
Get your answers from JAWP T.V.
(The Prabhus are starting to wake up)

3.33AM R(10)
Now we to to bath and dress,
   Worship Hanuman to the Temple press.
Monkey asks what means "PhD"?
   Philandering Debauchee or "Donuts Phree!"

July 2nd
ISKCON Lima, Miraflores.

2.07AM R(0)
Up by 1.30AM and Japa-Reading-Writing. Reading BhVai 1.9, Disp. of Bhisma-deva. Is super. We are evolving our method of evaluation.  (2.09AM)