Report Bhaktin Estefania !

13 years, 8 months ago by Estefania

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krsna Dear Maharaj. My name is Stefania, from Chile, I hope you remember me.
HpS - ASA >>  AGTSP   paoho.   Yes, we talked to you last night!   Seems we arrived faster than our letters!
Everyday that pass I'm attached more to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada, I'm fixed on my service of decorating the vyasasana of Srila Prabhupada and selling Prasadam to collect laksmi for the Friday Feast, I'm following the 4 principies, but I'm a little sad because I could not comply your instructions, with this I'm realizing that I'm not striving enough to wake up for Mangal Arati and I excuse my self with the job or the studies, my homework take a lot of my time and I'm felling very tired, but for that reason I will strive more and I will stay once a week on the temple, for accustom, and in that way my mind would not win when I wake up at home. 
HpS - ASA >> We only have so much time each day.  In spiritual and material life we can only do so many things.  We and can NEVER DO EVERYTHING, so we have to keep fixing our priorities.  Getting up for Brahma muhurta will always make everything else better.  God Himself will help you.  Better to get up early and do your studys than stay up late and do them! 
I'm reading the Upadesamrta one hour daily, and on the night before going to sleep the Krsna book, trying everyday to chant my ronds better. 
HpS - ASA >> Super Chica of Santiago!!!    It seems that you are making a lot of progress.  Honestly it is very difficult for young ladies in Kali-yuga.  Very dificult.  So remember, your Dharma is to be chaste and reserved for Krsna! 
Please acept my humble obeisances to your Lotus feet.
I hope you have been well.
Bn. Estefania
Santiago, Chile