Greetings from New York City

13 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Kevin

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

pamho AGTSP

We are now in new york city. After coming back from India, finding employment was proving to be difficult. However, Krsna has given me the opportunity to work for one of His devotees baking doughnuts that are offered to the Lord. I should be starting this week. 

There have been nice Ratha Yatras and kirtans that we have been attending. I miss Vrindavan so very much. 

I hope you are well Maharaja.

your cooky creature,

bhakta kevin

p.s. I got the popcorn maker...and the Deities love it..

HpS - ASA >>  GOd is watching us.  If we want to serve HIm, Lord Gauranga, and He is in SO much anxiety about the fallen souls, certainly He will make special educational arrangement for anybody who wants to participate with even a litle ltle ltl    sincerity!    Take the lessons.  Get up early and get your rounds done well!     Vrndavna misses you very much also..........