13 years, 8 months ago by bhaktanicasio

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to you,

 Everything goes fine here in Mar del Plata, El Loft keeps growing, we are having at least 30 people every Sunday feast. Now 4 devotees are living there (Panca Tattva das,  Bhaktas Juanjo, Guillermo and Gonzalo), they are distributing 100 books a day.  

HpS - ASA -- What happened to Mahajana?   He no more lives there?  Bought the farm???  


Hanuman Prabhu authorized the opening of a BBT branch in Mar del Plata, that means no lack of books anymore, Panca Tattva and I are going to be in charge. I was feeling bad for being so much involved in administration issues until I read in TKG`s diary of  Srila Prabhupada`s final days that administration is a kind of Arcanam.

HpS - ASA -- Oink!   WHoop!

I`m trying also to push forward this interfaith program, I think is going to be held the 15 and 16 of September, hope we can count with you via webex.

HpS - ASA -- Drat!   Gronk!    BliMk!!!    We will just arrive in India on the ???  Look at the ASA Calendar! <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />

Regarding LOB I would like to know if I can have like 20 copies to distribute, is such a nice book and i think my patients will appreciate it so much and it would be nice to have some copies for the program. If any devotee could take them to chile then Panca Tattva can bring them to Mar del Plata.

Regarding personal life we are very aware that this are the only four PRIORITIES in life

1. 16-nice rounds minimum.
2. 4-principles strictly.
3. Full morning and evening program.
4. Sankirtan according to your nature and ability.

HpS - ASA -- Can we have pizza in your house!  Even Lord Caitanya eats in the house of such a Vaisnava!!!

 I´m chanting 16 rounds although some days I have to finish them the next day due to work. I have consultation 3 times a week only so some days become very intense and we have to recover the next day.
With Alejandra my wife we are having excellent relation. We are doing a morning program. I bring her breakfast to bed and we chant one round together, so in this way she feels inspired to chant, then she is doing like 3 rounds a day. Manu and Benja are growing nice, Benja already knows parts of the maha mantra especially Hare Hare. Manu started studying theatre he loves it. I took him to one class of aikido but he didn’t want to return. I found a karate school where most of the people are vegetarians including sensei and they don’t participate in tournaments so maybe I will take manu there and me also start to practice.
I`m not worshiping the deities every day, it was too much for me alone taking care of the deities in one side and family in the other, I`m waiting for the day when the whole family gather in front of the altar to chant the holy names, so now i`m doing it the days I don’t have to go to work.
I was feeling so much presure to reach the standard for initiation that I was pushing myself to much. After having read your letter to Prahlada Nrsmha Das dated april 11ththat said  “Out of pride we should not take 1st, 2nd or 3rd etc initiation too soon, but just go on with Japa and Kirtana and honoring Prasadam and then it will all occur naturally.”  I felt relieved and realized that renunciation comes after knowledge. It was like I was more concerned of renunciation than acting for the pleasure of Lord Krishna. So now I feel to be more focused in becoming an affectionate husband and father and cooperate as a grihastha with our local center and its residents. Japa, SP`s books, your instructions and prasadam to be our weapons.
I feel so fortunate to have your association, everyday I think about you, lot of time of the day, your humor, your way of preaching, your qualities, Gurudeva you make me realize what Srila Prabhupada have brought to us. Thank you to inspire me engage in his service and to show me that life inside ISKCON is beautiful, really cool. We are having so much fun here in Mar del Plata.
I imagine you are having fun also there in Peru.
Saludos a todos los devotos de Por alli.

Hare Krishna!!

Aspiring to become your humble servant,

Bhakta Nicasio.


 Ps: Some photos attached, family. It seems that little Benja was a yogi in his previous life.

HpS - ASA -- Whatever Murti seva we do, it can be simple.  If we cook then cook for Krsna and offer it to Him.  Can be as simple as just puttng the plate in front of the altar and chant Hare Krsna mantra one time.       Then, read for Krsna, and rest of the family everyday.     That's enough.   Catch nice flowers and bring them home.   If altar is in the center of the house, the more it is decorated the more the house will also look, smell nice.  Nice lamps from time to time.  Ommm.