Hare Krishna!!! from buenos aires,argentina

13 years, 8 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das


Hare Krishna gurudev!

Here we continue strugling in this material existence; following strictly 4 regulative principles, with some dificulties  to wake up always at brahma muhurta or chant good rounds, body,mind, emotions,psyche  bothering to much many times nd my mind very concernd in that, is a problem.

Continue workin part time in an ofice, givin yoga classes, doin some programs also with yogic people..studying.... nd also doin once a month a program called "encuentro educativo vaisnava",is for new people , for next meeting im prepearing a course called  "Alimentacion yogica"..we are also prepearing with adi yajna prabhu nd yasodamayi(my wife), a meditation course to give in the temple, a teorical course to be given some saturdays ..nd practical japa meditation meetings 2 or 3 days in the evenings during the week everytime,for new people.

Also i think in these weeks we are takin the tickets to india for the begining of october, we are like 6 devotees flying from buenos aires togheter,nd also ptattva nd nikasio from mardelplata, like 8... what is you calendar there in india? do you know good vedic astrologers or institutions to take a course in india?

im tryin to improve the  service every time,to find nice devotees to take asociation, to win to my fears to become a better instrument in gaurangas party....missin so much yr personal asociation...last week jayapataka swami was here it was really really nice nd refreshing...

hope you re super ok gurudev,


madhavendra puri das

ASA - HpS     AGTSP  paoho  SUpe super super.     we are running with Jayapataka swami.s    visit,  Cantuta univesity proggram.   publishing book, bhakti vaibhava,   sastra,  iskcon higher education.  consultations!!     Your courses sound great.   when they are working you can also offer them in different forms at business, yoga schools, nursong colleges!!!....        We plan to pass Kartika based in Vrndavana and next month based in Mayapura.    We are working on more details now.  Like visiting Manipur in route from Vrndavana to Mayapura.    Look for more details in the Kapi Dhvaja.   You are doing super super super well!!!!!!   SUper.   You will conquer maya with in 6 minutes if you keep going like this!      Our obeisances to your good wife!!         We answer one more letter and then look at the Yahoo site then one interview then Gaura arati and Jagajivan,  who is GBC Undersecretary here will give some movies with his good wife.   It is Friday night, again!!!!   With Krsna and the sweet Radha!