Bhaktin Carla - Santiago Chile HK!

13 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktincarla

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai


Hare Krsna dear guru maharajá<img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />

first of all, I hope you are in good health, as well as its activities too!!!

We are very happy, very recently we were visited by Dhanvantari maharaja, his classes were very nice and very interesting, talked about the seminar in brazil, and thought it would be a very nice experience of Vedic studies, and advised me  finish university and take the Bhakti Sastri .<img alt="yes" src="" title="yes" />

Also Had the visit of Swami Jayapataka Maharaja Also all very nice, historical Their motivation despite physical disability,your visit helped me much to ponder, That, Whatever Happens We Must not lower the arms and That We Should keep it in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

So that a two weeks have been very wonderful with great kindness and beautiful association.

Good, and I can tell I'm singing my 16 rounds of japa, the last few weeks finishing up a little later than usual, the university is very heavy compared to other years, but never stopped singing,  4 principles and reading nectar of devotion, which I have several questions that I will make during his visit to Santiago, and learned to enjoy a lot is a very nice book, and that's what I get up early every day, association with devotees, my service garlands for the altar of the temple on Tuesday, to be with my family and perform in college, and delicate state of health this year, with exams in the head brain, but some faint and had lately that the doctor said I have a very strong stress, so we're resting a bit more, sleep more hours,thanks to Krsna is everything in order in my spiritual life.  !  <img alt="" src="" title="" />

I am drawing strength!!<img alt="" src="" title="" />

good, gurudeva thank you very much for your time in reading this letter association hope to have her pretty soon in July<img alt="" src="" title="" />

my most humble obeisances at your feet<img alt="" src="" title="" />

your servant

Bhaktin carla<img alt="" src="" title="" />

(Graphic Design Student)


HpS -ASA        Hare  Krsna.   AGTSP    paoho.     WOnderful    news.    Thank you.    SOnice to hear about thevisits of Dhaanvanatair and Jayapataka Swami...  IS TomBrown,Monkey, here.... HpS is chantign Jaapa and watching us.   Etasa Krsna from Cordoba is here also!!!!             Your path seems perfect.  YOu just have to keep withthe basic yoga  --   Japa, Brahma muhurta,     SB   and your Karma yoga.   Go to school for Krsna.   As much as possible evening programwith devotees also.   then after some time youwill be sure that youare servant of Krsna and youwill take serious vows of austerities for Him.    Se we seeyou in just a few day!

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