Etasa’s Report ( from jan to jun)

13 years, 8 months ago by etasakrsnadas

Hare Krsna, AGTSP, PAMHO Dear Guru Maharaja!!! SADHANA: I have been chanting good 16R, mangala every Sunday in Sushila and Nanda Gopal’s house, and sundararati every day, alone, in my apartment. SOME SERVICES: I’m doing some practical services here in Cordoba Yatra like prepare systematic lectures to present on namahattas or public programs, so I’m reading an studing a lot SP books’s and other world literature too. Besides, I’m practicing bhajans all the time to perform in programs. I’m still working in the office an offering my salary to Krsna. It retakes my piano studies in the conservatory ( Bach, Chopin, Scarlatti) In next Springtime I’m going to continue with my English studies. CORDOBA YATRA NEWS: The programs are getting better and better. New people are taking the KC and We have workers and enthusiastic devotees. I would like invite you, if you can, to Cordoba Yatra, when you visit Argentina on your next big tour. I can organize some public culture program for your visit. LOB? Universal Form? Maybe? Sorry about my bad (dog) english Your servent, etasa-krsna das   

HpS- asa   -   agtsp     paoho. here we are in the internet booth in the jungle in peru.   there are alligators and zebras here also.  thank you for your letter.   this is monkey, tom brown, writing.   hpswami is watching.  he is behind on his 25-day rounds because there were such big programs at canututa university and so forth.  jayapataka swami was here with 200,000 devotees and we were also making a movie with oscar and rodrigo and our abc courses.    do you like the kapi dhvaja....    how can we make it better.    we want to visit cordoba.   but it will be miracle of krsna.     patijalpa is there????     are you   going to present these systematic courses some where????       On to next letter.   come with us!!