Your recent visit to Los Angeles

13 years, 2 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna Prabhu Hanumatpresaka Swami! My name is Bhakta Adrian. I'm living in the Asrama here in New Dvaraka, Los Angeles, California. I had the great treat of chanting some japa with you in the temple room and listen to you give a fantastic lesson. I was very eager to talk to you, and I was under the impression that you were going to be around the temple for a couple hours after the class had ended. I was sincerely dissapointed to see you and Omkara Das drive away before I had the chance to get your association. I'm not sure if this will spark any memory, but I was the young Bhakta in yellow who sat right in front while you gave your wonderful lesson.

More so than anything else, I'm very eager for your association. I am wondering when you'll be back to Los Angeles, and for how long you will be here? If my memory serves me right, I heard you mention you'd only be here for a few hours just the same as your last visit. If that is the case, I'm wondering if there is any place near Los Angeles you might be staying for more than a few hours? Maybe I would be able to arrange to arrive at another temple you are staying at for a few days to properly engage in conversation. Please let me know! I am sure you are very busy, and must have many people to assiociate with. If you would be so kind to write back to a very humble Bhakta, I would be very appreciative.

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Adrian


HpS '   Jaya  AGTSP    pamho.  Now we are in Peru.  Is incredible rush of five things happeing the same tiem.     Jayapataka Swami here with intense fever and 300 devotees.  Big university symposium for the entire week.....     We are back in LAX  for a few hours on like AUgust 1st!     Then catch plane to Seattle.   This blog and  our News at the Web Page   are   nice chance to associate.  Other wise as we chant we are all conntected!!!     More news!