Radhe Radhe Shyam.

13 years, 9 months ago by prananathdas


Dear Gurudev:
I apologize for not writing before, is a matter of time because Im helping my father in law in his uncle's  olive grove, because his uncle die recently, so after I come out from my workplace, I go to a small village in the south of Navarra to help him to cut bad grasses and put water in all those old olive trees. I think we will prepare a piece of land to make a garden with tomatoes, letuice, and some vegetables :).  Im happỳ because this is the back to the roots, I think is the back to the simple life, learn to plant vegetables, learn to work the land. I still do my offerings to Sri Sri GourNitay, Sri Jagannath Baladev Subadraji, I chant my rounds in sections, a long the day mostly when I go to the village, I cant follow the BV program, because the few time, and few energy <img alt="sad" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.gif" title="sad" /> , many times Im exhausted... but happy.

I'll try to write you more often, and make an effort to follow reading and feeling the happyness of put your lotus feets on my head.

Your humble and useless servant
Prananath das.
HpS - ASA --  Jaya!   AGTSP     paoho.  So nice to hear from you after so much time.  READERS: Prananatha Prabhu is in Spain and living some distance from the Barcelona Temple.  We gave him Gayatri mantras and seems he is living like a gentlemen.

Prabhu, yes take a little time to read a little bit many times during the day. If we follow family or earth dharma but do not develop a desire to hear and chant as a result, it is a complete waste of time and you will be so much tossed by the modes of nature.    More news!