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13 years, 9 months ago by Cruz Santa

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to You

Dear Maharaja, Please accept my respectful obeisances are trying to understand various embodiments that his recent visit has left us ... uff too many, for someone as clumsy as me. We try with all our might correspond to such a mercy that you spill on us. Many thank you very much Maharaja.

 We had some setbacks with our Sadhana fail more times this month, it happens almost always after festivals but so far we are balancing again is a very strong battle against our body, which is the main impediment, we need health, but we are fighting it. Motivated by the example you give us and the example of our elder brothers such as Mother Jambavati, Asta Sakhi, Gopi Radha and Prabhu Janardana.

 His recent visit has left us much ... much as we refocus more hard and be careful not to diminish our effort after his visit. I leave more thoughts and questions like that, more times we talk about the relationship of the Guru - disciple, but what does it depend? relationships are different according to the disciple, but how do you realize that you are forging this relationship with the Guru? Many times seem a bumblebee, hovering, trying to enjoy the nectar of your company, and as many as we perform other services for him, we are longing to be with him.

Other times you feel selfish desire that the Guru will realize how little we're doing, like a child who wants attention from his father, not realizing that he always knows what we do. I am ashamed to say but I think it's a regular sense to me. Maharaja, We know you have many occupations. Is it okay to write once a month? On the other hand would also like to ask you about the importance of getting along with spiritual brothers and devotees in general, because we are very different in nature and not always compatible, even so, How can we adequately serve the guru? How can we relate to the Vaisnavas, without committing offenses even though we are so different? What should we do to please the Guru?

Maharaja beg you, Prabhupada, Hanuman and Krishna to a day off a little selfish desires many covering my conscience and to serve properly.

His aspiring servant
Bhaktin Cruz Santa

ASA - AGTSP.......     SUper bien you letter.          Try to set priorties more an moer clearly.    You cannot do everything so put the most important things first!!!!!!!!!     Concentrate your service!!!!!!!!! !! !    !             !                                               !