How to preach to no devotees?

13 years, 9 months ago by Guna Manjari

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, It has been a lot time without writing, the truth is that I didn’t had anybody that could translate the letter before.

I’m writing to give to you my report of the last time:

Ronds: yes, 16 ronds everyday

Principies: yes, the 4 regulative principles

Sadhana:  more less, sometimes I read Srila Prabhupada and assist to the temple clases, listen to kirtanas and bhajans, but getting up early cost me because of the cold.

ASA - Jaya Prabhupada!    Thanks translation and translator.      Get up and stay wrapped up and chant.

Permanent service: yes, I continue cooking the sweets berfi and sandesh for Their Lordships (The Deities) once a week.

I want to ask you: what is the better way and what do you recommend me that is good to preach to no devotees? It’s hard for me to preach to no devotees, I had given books of Prabhupada , some people is interested and they make me questions but I can’t awake the real interest in them. Please tell me what I have to do.

I hope that you are well Guru Maharaj. We have been meeting with my spiritual brothers to organize your visit; I’m the secretary and charge to diffuse every relevant information. See you on your visit to Chile.

Please accept my most humble and eternal obeisances

Your servant Guna Manjari Devi Dasi.

ASA - We cannot preach to them until Krsna gives them a good swift kick in the rear end!   Then they, we, are will to listen.     Only dying men can see God.  Some commit suicide according to the tenets of their religion, some are killed by the Agents of God, but only drowning men can de Krsna.    So we can give them the words of our Spriritual Master when they are drowning and then they will understand.  So look for drowning men!  (Or women).

Jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water,

  And he spent a long time watching from a lonely wooden tower.

Until he knew for certain only drowning men could see Him.

Then he said all men shall be sailor's then until the sea has freed them, but he himself was broken, forsaken almost human as he sunk beneath your wisdom like a stone.....    But you  want to travel with him and you want to travel blind for he's touched your perfect body with his mind.
