Hare Krishna!! (Bhakta Manuel, Chile)

13 years, 9 months ago by Manuel Poblete


These days I've been thinking a lot about the letter sent by Mitravinda dd and her relationship with her mother ... Often suffer or disturbs me because I think that many things depend on me, whether in work, family, devotional service, etc. But forget that Krishna delivered to all what belongs to every living creature you are given full protection by order of the Lord. I find it hard to apply this to my life, but with your instruction I can.

There is little time for his visit to Chile, I hope with joy your visit, you are my inspiration to continue this process of Krishna consciousness and to contribute a grain of sand in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Your aspiring servant,

ASA -  Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!  ! !  !!!!            !                   Just keep on chanting.  Nothing else matters.  Everything else will come from that!!!!!! .