13 years, 3 months ago by devaki_nandana_das


Please accept my humble obeisences. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I'm in Argentina, studing Counseling (Carl Roger psicology). We are living in La Plata, there are some devotees here. We are building our house, now the altar, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom are finish. 

We are doing preaching programs every week.

Our japa sometime is good and sometime is bad. I´m chanting 16 rounds every day.  Sometimes i'm filling less sabor chanting my rounds. I'dont now why, may be offences, or may be bad chanting.

I'm praying every day for Krsna´s mercy. In Mayapur or Vrndavana, our spiritual life was almost perfect. Here in our country, and in the Grhasta life we are going throw some dificulties. 

I'm following the four regulative principles (but many times the sutil sex come to my mind), and sometimes i dont chant the gayatri mantra. My SB lecture is not good. We are working many hours during the day.

What can I do gurudev?

I woud like to see you dear gurudev.

You servant devaki-nandana das.  

HpS - AGTSP   pamho.  Thank you 110% for your letter.   (What happened to Cristina, Anna's sister in Lima????)                                    What to do?      I only know what I do....   try to do better.   Try to do all may Japa everyday well and read and write.     Boop.     That's all.   Other stuff we just do the best we can and realize that Krsna is doing 90% of the work, at least.   It's easy to be KC in Vrndavana Mayapura, but to bve KC in West is hard, but even a little bit is intense example for others!!!        KEeep on trying.  Keep on trying!   It works, it works, keep on trying!!!