Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Sri Vrindavan Dham.

13 years, 9 months ago by Cakori Radha

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Jay Radhe Jay Krsna Jay Vrindavan!!!

Please Guru Maharaja, accept our obeisances at your feet. We hope your health is well, we hear of your preach and read the other letters in the blog and we feel that you talk to us. mainly we all have same problems, keep intouch and share problems helps so much, so we feel we are not the onlu ones. in India we have learn to experience that good advice comes from many councelors.... and that decision should ve taken in society, healthy for everybody. we don't have private life, specially if you live in ISKCON property... hahaha. we still don't have a fix seva, but Krsna kindly keep us busy... Im coming to the conclusion that our seva is to help other people with their seva...

On the 12th of may we had our daughter... at the house, no hospital, no pain killer, and we experience how strong death may be... the last resource we found Radha and Krsna, the only one... we chant japa asking to don't forget. Krsna is everywhere, i saw that... many ways... we saw a bumblebee in the room and thought about Madhu and Japa pratijalpa Radha...and how our stupid mind sometimes can not see Krsna there, smiling at our stupidity.

we still don't have a name for the baby :D ??? we try to get poetic and look for some name that could help baby in Krsna consciousness but we haven't got one yet. we are open to suggestions <img alt="cheeky" height="20" src="" title="cheeky" width="20" />

after dealing with the good and bad government of India, we could (last week) convert our tourist visa (without any corruption) to an X visa, and now we can apply for a PIO card. uff that was almost like trying to pass a camel trough a needle. Our mother is here!!! that's been so helpful. Family O.K. Hari Bhakta call our house the Latin American embassy, every day so many visits and sanga...

We are fighting to  get out of the water Guru Maharaja, we are still kicking a little... slower than 10 years ago but with hope and faith.

we hope we can be good parents, good persons, good friends and daughter, sister.... good disciple one day... be sincere.

our life is at Radha's Lotus feet, we hope this twopenny ofrend can be pick up one day.

Hope you have a nice and ORGANIZED (hope Arjuna can reed this <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />) visit to Chile... I would like to be there controlling and taking all the services to myself<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />

  Trying to be useful, Cakori Radha Devi dasi.

 HpS --  Jaya AGTSP   pamho.  Sorry so long to answer.    We talked with you since this letter.   We just came back from intense weekend in Mexico.   We are struggling like you to be good disciples.  Congratulations on bringing new devotee in to this world.  Our super respects to Hari bhakti and everyone.   I guess we see you all like Kartika time.       But as soon as we hear this not kicking so hard to get out of the water stuff, it makes us remember that this is our only business.  Babys, wives, husbands, comminity, distress, wars,        also just nonsense.       Maya's high class trick.   You can do, I can do, absolutely nothing for anybody, unless we are devotees.   Want to give you baby poisoned milk???!!!           Then don't chant 16 nice rounds every day.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!   I have 15 rounds done, but now I will stop and chant more.

Your humble, humble servant.   HpSwami   ASA