Hare Krishna!! (Bhakta Manuel, Chile)

13 years, 8 months ago by Manuel Poblete

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

Dear Gurumaharaj, these past few weeks have been really difficult, the large number of activities that are overwhelming me and made ​​me very tired. Srila Prabhupada's books and read the blog constantly keep me strong and inspired me deeply! This has allowed not lose the enthusiasm in the service and singing the holy name.

Read constantly NOI and BG allows me to clean my heart to someday be able to appreciate and enjoy the nectar of the pastimes of Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupadato serving you and the spread of the Holy Names.

I hope with joy his visit to Chile. My desire is to take shelter at his lotus feet (I've talkedto Ramakeli Das, for the formalities.) and in the future, when prepared spiritually totake Diksha from you, since you are my main inspiration to continue trying to serve Srila Prabhupada.
Your aspitante a servant,
Bhakta Manuel  

HpS - ASA --  AgtSP.    paoho.  If we die from "too much" service that is wonderful, no?!!!!!!!   Right at this moment my heart is acting a little  strange.   4.02PM 2011 May 5.    Not normal occurence, but some times. So maybe die at any moment.  Why not have this last day,    J U S T    perfect!   Try to do our best.   We aren't Haridasa Thakura or Lord Nityananda.  We are Bhakta Manuel and Hanumatpresaka Swami.  Two little guys, but let us kick in a lot of rocks today!!!!!
Please give our respects to everyone you think we might know in Temple - Ananta, Ramakeli, Raman reti ------- - - - Hope to see you soon!

We should stop with our Administrative and School Teaching work now and do some spontaneous things.  Chant HK/R.   We are alone in this little office in Tennessee.   I BIG street across our grass.  Four lanes.  Lots of traffic.  This is a town.  Not very big, but pretty active.  We go now and chant Hare Krsna.  Too much work to do in one day!