Bhakti Vaibhava?

13 years, 10 months ago by hps

[HpS  - Originally this letter received and answered on Yahoo.] 

Radhe Radhe Shyam

Dear Gurudeva, Im quite delayed in the follow of the [Bhakti-vaibhava] course, but still in progress with the lecture of SB. I have no important questions to do, therefor I dont write you, but Im following the program, Im in the middle of the 3th chapter, reading with all my effort, but kind delayed

Sorry if I cant write you so often, we have a lot of work in my workplace and sometimes I should to be almost all day in the place. I try to read all what I can do in weekends,
I beg your forgiveness Dear Gurudeva, Im not a qualified devotee, so if you think is better that i left the program, I'll try to follow reading your posts and the steps in PdP.

I hope you can forgive my faults and can remain under the shelter of yout lotus feets, Srila Prabhupada's feets.
your humble servant
Prananath Das

Esteemed Dvija,
AgtSP Pamho. Very nice to hear from you!!! Please write even a short note every couple of months at least. The Blog address is the best, in the Bulletin. Better if you read along with us but just read like the translations and a few selected purports that we will try to post in the Boletin. The we will be able to keep association. Write to the Blog, tell us about your Job. Is is like was Arjuna's Job? <img src="" />

I will post this on the Blog. Many people should read and see this. <img src="" />       <img src="" />  <img src="" /> <img src="" />