AGTSP!!!! Paoho. <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" /> <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="30" />
Here we are in our NIOS office in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. It is 5.51PM We are writing before Abhiseka comes to pick us up on his way home from work and take us to Nitai-gaurasundar, Mother Matsya, Radha Natabara's ashrama. We woke up in Tandavika, M. Mina, Musa and Kosa's, Govardhana Gaura Ashrama in Franklin, Tennessee.
Vijaya Prabhu took us toe Nashville to meet with Dr. Hiranya Gowda and an Assistant Director of the Frist museum where there is a world class exhibition sculpture and painting on Vishnu. (Hinduism is a complex religion that originated in India but is now practiced around the world.... There are perhaps tens of thousands of gods and goddesses in Hinduism, Many (but not all) Hindus argue that there is a single divine power and that all the religion's deities are just different manifestations of that one power...)
Ooof. Gronk! Brack! Grink! We were exhuasted when we got back to Murfreesboro.
This morning we had nice WebEx meeting with Abhirama Prabhu of Visual Services and he is going to help with formatting Dr. Bandopadhyay's books. We hope that we are following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya in his Sankirtana with Sarva-bhauma Bhattacarya and Prakasananda Sarasvati, albiet, guaranteed a lot less pure and strong than so many (or we may argue ALL) the other devotees in ISKCON.
Gotta get in line behind Sananda Devi Dasi (see her letter?) and do what we can do, for God, Family and you.
O.K. We got 19 more rounds to chant! Woke up late a few days ago and got behind for our Alarm didn't wake us up. Too much pnut butter and bananas late in the evening!
Hare Krsna. Japa will say all we have to say to the hearts of all those with whom we play, Gopal!!!