report from Vraja

13 years ago by Radha carana

All Glories to Radha Syamasundar
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to Hanumat Presak Swami
Hare Krishna !!!
I hope that you are Happy under the mercy of our beloved Lord Krishna, i came back from Mayapur 2 weeks ago, I visited the lord Caytania birth place and I chanted my rounds there …was so sweet . im continue with mi service in the sandipani muni school as a art teacher, the kids are really happy, we are doing art with recycle material , actually im really worry about the pollution in Vraja and we are doing a recycling program with some other  volunteers from spain, this project I think will take 2 years,we want the support of the foreing devotes …. The cows are eating garbage,  fortunatelly  the contruction flyover in the Yamuna its supended because the walls colapased  8 months ago… happy for that, and GM I need to extend my visa to continue with all this plans, actually are not my plan ,I think just Krishna gave me this opportunity. I talked with Panca Gaura Prabhu and he need a letter from you to help me with my student visa, and Gm just I will wait for your answer. Thank you for your last letter was so energetic for me.
Please forgive my huge offenses
Radha carana dasi

HpS - Jaya!  TlgaSP!     pfanrh.   Very nice your news!   We were wondering what happened to you?     How is the basic program, Japa, Morning Program?   Are you advancing?
My experience is tha the Vrjavasis are many times more advanced than we are but they may be in the grip of different demons: The Tractor Demon, The Automobile Demon, The Plastic Bag Demon. When Krsna was here it was Aristasura, Kesi-asura. So, as little servants of Lord Caitanya we can help Krsna fight with these demons.  Main help is to get them to chant Maha-mantra and appreciate Gaura Nitai.  Then they can free themsleves!   Is very special you situacion.  Where do we send the letter?  What do we say?  We will try to write a separate letter to you about the details!
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