Sudama sakha dasa from Mayapur

13 years, 11 months ago by Sudama sakha dasa

Hare krishna dear GM!
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I am very sorry that I haven't written you in long time, but just recently I got connection from home to internet, and of course, is very slow and unestable. So far we have been living here for last 4 months, in mayapur, and we are very happy to be here, we can feel the potency of the holy dham in all of our activities. There are some difficulties sometimes, but the benefit of living here is supreme.Festival time just passed and it was REALLY crowded, there were like 3000 russians, and thousands and thousands of bengalies. Morning program was very extatic, specially kirtans, the more the merrier :).
About our sadhana we are trying to chant 20 rounds daily and gradually increase, but as we develop the taste. We are attending daily mangala arati, and observing 4 reg principles. We are reading the 6th canto, the ajamila pastime, we love very much Srila Prabhupada purports speaking about the importance of Chanting Hare Krishna, and he says that if we want to chant offenselessly we have to then chant constantly, therefore by chanting more and more, day and night our offences will cease. very interesting.

For this festival my brother and sister in law came to visit us, I hope you remember Sugriva, Locananda's son, and Radha. So Sugriva became inspired to stay and attend to Gurukula. as you may imagine in Chile he is not having so good association, so we are very happy for him. But to stay here they are asking for 2 letters of recommendation, so one we already asked from the board of Chile, and the other we wanted to ask it to you if possible....
Thank you for everything, and i remain your humble servant. If you need anything from here just let me know please.
sudama sakha dasa  

HpS - Jaya!           AGTSP!    pamho.    Yes, is long time no letter.  We sent you another letter about the letter of recomendation to the address that you included in your letter (and we cut out).        We are always happy to help devotees.       Just to hear from you is to think of Mayapura.    I guess even when it becomes 30,000 Russian devotees it will be no problem because Advaita Acharya and M. Sita and Mother Saci and Jagannatha Misra will all be managing things.
I guess we will see you in November then.
Did you meet Ambarisa Das and M. Vicki from Argentina while they were there?
What is your daily service?   Are you using your Degree to work in agriculutre????