Re: Re Greetings from Vrindavan Part II

13 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Kevin

Dear Maharaja,

I have had the nice association of Govinda dasa, Nama Rasa prabhu, Bhagavata Purana prabhu, Ramananda Raya prabhu, and all of the others in the 24 kirtan party. Tomorrow I am going with my good friend Premarnava and his family to Vrinda Kunda guided by Deena Bhandu prabhu. We also met Mahanidhi Swami about one month ago at his place. Holi is getting a little wild on the streets. Gaura Purnima is in two days! very excited.  

Maharaja, do you plan to stay long in Tennessee? Maybe if I am fortunate enough, I can visit you again.
your servant,
bhakta kevin

HpS - Jaya!  AGTSP   pamho   News from the spiritual world!        So, nice!     Yes, we are in Tennessee until middle of May.  Please call us as soon as you get back.  Cellular is the same!!!