Greetings from Vrindavan part II

13 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Kevin

Dear Maharaja,
pamho AGTSP
Here we are in Vrindavana Dhama continually aspiring to chant the Holy Names of Krsna. Today we went to Radha Kunda and Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Maharaja's Samadhi, where we met Bhagavata Prema dasa, one of Maharaja's disciples. He said he met you, Maharaja, before in that very place. A very nice, kind devotee. We bathed in Radha Kunda and Sayama Kunda with our japa beads. Next we went to Govardhana Hill and chanted japa. 

Everyday we are doing kirtan in the temple room. Gaura Purnima is coming quickly! Only a few more days. We have three more weeks here and then back to the USA. 

Krsna is so kind to have let me stay this long. I am trying to serve Krsna and His devotees as best as I can. Sometimes I am just sitting in the kirtana and appreciating the devotees that have come from all over the world. How fortunate we are to be singing for Krsna in Vrindavana Dhama. Srila Prabhupada has done so much for us, giving us this special gift of the Maha Mantra. As a lowly boy from New Jersey, it is unfathomable that I am here in Sri Vrindavana Dhama. If only I can become lower than a blade of grass and humbler than a tree, then maybe I can wake up and accept that i am just a fallen kali yuga soul. On we chant: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. 

 I hope you are doing well Maharaja. I look forward to your next newsletter. I think we will take your advice and invest in a popcorn machine and make nice prasadam for Gaura Nitai.
your menial servant,
Bhakta Kevin  

HpS - ASA -   AGTSP!!!!       paho.     Esteemed "Menial Servant",     Paho.

Try the above link.    We are back in our "Office". Tennessee, and everything is auspicious.  (I think that is because of good Mangala-arati).  Mangala start means Mangala day!

Thank you so much your news from Vrdnavana!!!!!!!      We hope to get there soon.  What devotees are there?