
13 years, 6 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I am doing sankirtan. Last Saturday a girl came to the program because of a book. Normally I do buses, but now I am also learning to stop people on the street. 

P.Aravinda came one week to Lima, and he spend some time with us. He gave us classes, so much association about sankirtan. Is so nice to have association of devotees, to talk about service, about sankirtan!
I feel happy to be every day engaged in devotional service, even if the mind not always agrees.
I am living with Yugala and b.Maria, and some time is little hard. Because I think I try to be better than other in a subtle way, to be a "good person", but I am in this material body I am not a good person? I am not a sincere wellwisher, or servant for them. I would like to become really a good person. I would like to be a really good friend for them (to serve them?)

My rounds: they are ok during the morning, and most of the time I finish my rounds during the morning program, but sometimes I left rounds, and then some times I am not so responsable in finishing them. I finish with bad quality or even sometimes I left 2 or 3 for next day. I feel really ashamed! Before I was not doing that, I don't want to keep that as a bad habit in my spiritual life. Is so stupid not to be serious at least with the basic principles! 

Gurudeva, I will not keep this things! I will endeavor to improve. I am happy because I see Krsna is ready to help me. Please keep me as your aspiring servant! I want to be your servant, Krsna's servant some day. The servant of the servant.

Please Gurudeva, forgive me, I wish to improve.
All glories to your service Guru Maharaja!!


HpS - AGTSP   pamho.   Thank you so much for the news and your super efforts in Sankirtana.  How are your Father, Mother, Brother?     The mind, my mind, is like an evil, selfish dog.  We can make it appreciate devotees by serving them.  Try to help Maria and Yugala in their service a little bit every day, often, and you will see that that changes the character of your "bad dog".

Yes, it is our, my, stupidity that we think that there is a better way to do things than Japa vrata. School, health, Sankirtan, family, everything will improve at the maximum possible rate when we improve our 16 rounds.
We are fixing our dates in Lima like next week so we will consult with you all!