Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I would like to join discussion bhakta Joe Blow started and ask for clarification if my understanding is not right.
Are you main instrument of Lord Balarama for me, though he can speak also through different living beings (like different siksa/vartmana-pradaksaka gurus - including random people we meet who seems to not have anything with devotional service)? In that sense can I sometimes consider other as Balarama spoke through them, but you as my diska guru are always his manifestation?
As Srila Prabhupada mentioned we should also become gurus, how it will look? Is it when devotee become pure he is automatically used as instrument (so he has no selfish motives)?
Also it seems that different gurus are different. Like every guru is still unique individual.
I also don't understand what exactly mean to initiate somebody on behalf of somebody else (in bh. Joe's letter: initiate him on behalf of SP).
- Does it means you initiate him, make contract with him as (on behalf) representative Srila Prabhupada and rest of parampara?
- Or he wants to you to make just ceremony, but make contract directly with Prabhupada? In this case why he doesn't ask Srila Prabhupada directly?
Sorry if letter was too long and unorganized.
Please make it more clear to me,
Your servant Prahlad Nrsmha das
HpS - AGTSP! pamho. Esteemed PND, Thank you for your letter. As I understand from scripture, param-atma et al, Diksa-guru can be only focused on the specific vows that one takes at initiation. Of course, this ulitimately relates to everything, however, another qualified person, an initiated devotees, a sannyasis, a goswami grhastha, maybe more of a representative of Balarama as a siksa guru, guiding you in your sankirtana.
That's fine, normal. We love Krsna in many manifestions.
That's fine, normal. We love Krsna in many manifestions.
Your questions about what JB was presenting are questions that I wanted us to clarify.
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