Scientific method

13 years, 10 months ago by Manuel Poblete

ll glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Dear Gurumaharaja Please accept my respectful obeisances. Recently I wrote the blog, my name is Manuel Poblete Moran, I live in Santiago de Chile, Santiagodo Mandir service in the Sunday Feast program (along with his discipleOm Kesava Dasa).

 Gurumaharaja, I work with many scientists, they just believe in the"scientific method", which is the best way to preach through thescientific method of Krishna Consciousness? "
Attentive to your instructions, your aspiring servant
Bhakta Manuel.

Hare Krsna.  We answered this before, no????   Basically the approach is there in the Preface of Introduction to the Isopanisad.  O.K.  You have read it?  Appreciated the arguments?   As far as I know these are not just Prabhupada's but what Jiva Goswami presents in his Tattva sandarba and very practical in actual debate.
However, following Srila Prabhupada's insgtructions to Science preachers and the example of Lord Caitanya to Sarva Bhauma Bathacharya and others we don't argue with people until we have turned their minds with sweet words.

First nice reception, then nice prasadam and polite although it may be strong discussion like in ISO.  Krsna's in our heart!    He will help!  Convert a dozen scientists to devotees!