14 years ago by Cristina Zavala


Please, accept mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.
Dear Gurudeva, thank you very much four your quickly answers! How I want to go to Krsna quickly!!
Right now Im feelling bad, depress, I only can chant 2 rounds, I know maybe Im desapionting you, but is the true, my life, is like a " russian mountain" WHY DEAR GURUDEVA?? WHY??? I ONLY WANT TO BE WITH KRSNA REALLY!!! " TAKE  ME OFF THIS MATERIAL WORLD"- is a George Harrison song. Why I have this KARMA?? KRSNA!!!
2 rounds at the moment, with faith, devotion, and of course your blessins I know, Im gonna be better....
Thank you very much again, and sorry if Im desaponting you, I dont want it!
With all my heart broked, and my mind sick, your eternal sirvient Cristina.

Hare Krsna, TlgaSP  pamrh.  There is a reason why everything happens. So, don't worry too much. God is at least as nice as you. How would you treat Christina if she had done something really selfish to somebody else, something really hard hearted. Of course, she should see what see had done so she would not do it again, but you wouldn't want to hurt your child. If they were trying to understand and change then you would be very pleased and show them the reasons.
So, don't worry to much.
Most likely you are suffering from bad bady feelings.
Get enough sleep. Enough Prasadam. Chant for the good result. Chanting helps the liver, kidneys, brains, everything.

O.K?    Chant Hare Krsna and adjust your situation so that you feel reasonably peaceful.
Of course, sometimes we have to leave a terrible situation or even a terrible body.  I don't think you will have to do that! But if we have to then that also Krsna will make very reasaonble!
Many nice devotees in Peru.  Associate with them.