Re: Re: Kevin - Greetings from Vrindavan

13 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta Kevin

Dear Maharaja,
pamho AGTSP
We are here in Vrindavan and I am engaged in kirtan seva 6 hours a day. I was just in Jagannatha Puri with a group of devotees, and we saw many places. My favorite was the Siddha Bakul tree.  
I hope you are doing well, and we can talk soon. 
your servant,
bhakta kevin
p.s. I finished my B.A. at Rutgers 

HpS -  Jaya!   HAre Krsna!    Super!     We have been thinking about you at times.   What was happening in your trip.     The trip of a lifetime.

When do you get back to the USA?
We get back March first and then stay until June.
I is good that you finished Rutgers before it finished you!     How is your Japa vrata?   Is it very cold in Vraja?  How long do you stay???


The 24 hour kirtan party was invited to Brahma Kund for Vasant Pancami, on the invitation of Paramadwaita Swami. The Braj Foundation has cleaned up Brahma Kund and many other Kunds. The garbage has been removed and the kunds have been restored nicely.

I have had the fortunate opportunity to be able to chant a lot of japa here in Vrindavan. I read one reply that you posted saying that the best way to serve your guru is to chant 16 rounds, follow the 4 regulative principles and read Prabhupada's books. This is one intention I have kept in mind before starting to chant my japa.

It has been pretty cold in the mornings so far. Just yesterday on my way to the temple in the morning I could see my breath in the air. Brr!

I will be in Vraja until April 6th, then return back to New Jersey. I would be very happy to see you if possible when I get back.
 Hope this finds you well.
 your servant,
 bhakta kevin
HpS - Jaya!    Hare Krsna.   I remember us walking around the lake in Tennessee waiting to pick up Tandavika.  We will be in Tennessee in time for Gaura-purnima and then stay for a few months at least.
Today is appearance day of Advaita acharya. We are in Madrid. Has been pretty good effort today.
Yes, our first effort is to chant nice Japa for Krsna, Rama and Radha under the lotus feet of our Acharya, Srila Prabhupada.  Then we should have intelligence to do more service each day.
Thank you so, so, so much for writing us with news from Vrndavana.  Please offer our respects to some grass and some more grass there.
We wait for more reports!!!