Greeting and All glories to Srila Prabhupada

14 years, 1 month ago by Cynthia24

I hope  you accept  my bow  of a polluted soul.
I am in Argentina in La Plata of Buenos Aires, everything was very difficult, in society between love and hate there is only  one gap .Life  hits  us  and takes  us to many  circumstances. I wish  to know something  beyond  all, meditate  on mantras, and  some stregth and feel  god´s protection.

I do not Know if it´s a gift  but  anyway i have  this link  that  i did in music  to  different  forms of God...

Thanks you gor you life ..hope to see you in Buenos Aires  or in Chile...forgive my sins and low emotional...hare krishna   ...Cynthia !! of Chile

[Hare Krsna, Cynthia.  Here we are Tom Brown, Monkey, and Piggy.  HpS is letting us write for a little.   So nice to hear from you.   Just keep chanting!    Yes, it is a hurricane that we have got our selves into.  Just keep chanting and reading a little bit EVERY DAY, and write to us every few weeks with some news!!!  We will look at the link!]