HARE KRSNA - Cristina Zavala

14 years, 1 month ago by Cristina Zavala

Please accept mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.
Dear Gurudeva, I already talked with my sister Ana, ang give to her this direction, to Oscar or her write to you. They are working in their proyects always, and say to me give to you them "reverencias" and send "saludos" to you.

My book is in spanish of course, but, who knows? maybe if it is a succces it could be translated in english, chinesem russian.....jaja!! no, really dony tihnk that is a very simple book, but very nice. If you want I can give to you a transalted version....

How is the temple in Madrid??  [Jaya, Srila Prabhu, We are in the preaching center in Madrid. Here are nice little Gaura Nitai in the basement, so that the Kirtana doesn't irritate the other's in the building.  They are nice.  Program is nice, but has to get super!  Sunday we go to Barcelona and then the following week we go to the farm and see Radha Govinda Chandra]

Beautifull " deidades " Radha-Krsna, Goura Nitai, Sita Rama Laksman Hanuman?? JAYA!!! good devotees?? full shakti and lovely service?? JAYA!!!

I hope someday travel with you around the world, I want to visit all the temples in this world!! JAYA!!!

What about my japa?? Im chanting 2 rounds, maybe I can chant 3?? with your blessings of course.   [Is best to fix a number that you are sure you can do for some time, and then do it no matter what your mind says. Eventually should come to the magic number of 16 and see how it is 100% useful]

How is your health?? well?? Im sure it is ok.   [Is O.K.  Always struggle to keep this body fit and useful until the last moments] 

Dear Gurudeva, thank you very much to answer my letters, please dont stop do that, I need your mercy very much, because sometimes doubts came to me, I believe in the Suprerme Lord, of course, but Maya is very strong you know, the mind, especulations about the real trought, whay I have to do??....   [Keep association with Acharya, Srila Prabhupada, and regular devotees on the path, and get some practical standard of rules that you can follow.   Then very quickly you will come to a higher platform] 
