HARE KRSNA - Cristina Zavala

14 years, 1 month ago by Cristina Zavala


Mis reverencias Dear Gurudeva

Well, my book have about 100 pages, is not to big, is just the necesary, cause I dont like to talk very much, I like to " sintetizar" my ideas and write exactly what I want without look for words complicated, but , of course ussing a beatifull and poeltry lenguage. Is very eassy to read and understand. I think is ok. The format is A4 at the midle, with nice pictures inside, I insiste, the last chapter  is all about Krsna is very good, I hope people like it.......?????!!!!!!!.

Why you said I have the devil inside????? Im a good person, but, yes, maybe sometimes, or always, without my true dessire come to me. GO OUT!!!

2 rounds! OK!!! JAYA!!!!
Thank you very much. HARE KRSNA!!

 HpS - Hare Krsna, Senora!     Thank you so much your letter!    I don't remember that we said that you have a Devil inside. Maybe the Devil put it into our letter when we weren't looking.  Of course, we all have some devilish desires in our hearts or we wouldn't be in the material world, but you certainly seem to be on the right path. Your book is in Spanish, no?    Some day also English???     How is Anna and Oscar?    No, news from them for long time!  We have reached Madrid!   More news in the other Blog posts!!!  Jaya!