14 years, 1 month ago by Cristina Zavala


 Please, accepte mis mas humildes y respetusas reverencias.
Dear Gurudeva, I allready end my book, the last chapter is beautifull!!! all about Krsna, the temple, the devotees, your Grace, Bhagavitad Gita " citas" Maha Mantra Hare Krsna, and very nice pictures. I hope you like it. I wrote to you before, but I didnt receive your answer, only your disupulos told me to write to you at the bolletin, but I dont know how to do it. Im feelling most happy day by day, Im chanting my japa and starting make things well. All around me is full of love and perfection. Thanks for your mercy dear Gurudeva, I hope see you very soon!!
What about Chiclayo Mandir?? is it true?? JAYA!! If i can help in something i ll do it with all my heart and devotion for you, You are everything in this world.
I think people will love my book!! your book!! 1000 copies, Im starting predicate like Sankirtan!! no, of course not, but is my contribucion to you and ISCKON. ALL THE GLORIES!! PLEASE ANSWER TO ME!! I WANT YOUR INSTRUCTIONS!!!!
Where are you now? Im in Schell after bhakta class with bhaktin Natalia who is helping me to enter in this page.
I remember one time in Chosica Mandir you told me to chant one round, and that is what Im doing extrictily, can I do something more with your great mercy??
Thanks a lot, Dear Gurudeva, waiting for your answer, your servent Cristina.
HpS -  Hare Krsna!!!!   Christina!     Very nice.   Monkey said he had two letters from you in his mail box, but we can't read those to promptly.  This is much better.  Albert Camus, Nobel Laureate in Literature, he said unless you rewrite yout book six times you are a coward.
Haw!   Haw!    Haw!
I know that you aren't a coward.      How many pages?   What size pages?
More service,  Wellllll ll l  l      l          l?                          The devil, has you, can younow chant two rounds a day until Lord Nityananda's appearance day???   Our respects to you sister and brother in the law.  Anna - Oscar.