Hare Krishna!

14 years, 1 month ago by Manuel Poblete

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami!

Maharaja Hanumat P., please accept my humbles obeisances! My name is Manuel Andres Poblete Moran, I have 25 years and studied Engineering degree in Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, currently I'm working on DuocUC as Coordinator of the Technological Center of Natural Resources, center under the same school, this is a place where students apply knowledge learned in the classroom on agriculture.

Devotees know 6 years ago, thanks to my father, who was the first person to preach, he is a devout Catholic, but loves the devotees, he has participated in numerous occasions the Food for life program along with my mother. Since I met Krishna Consciousness that I have participated in the process, singing rounds and doing service, but during this process I had times I've done full service and others hat I have distanced themselves from the devotees for variousreasons, but despite these distances have never stopped thinking of Krishna and Prabhupada, or chant the holy name.

During this time I have met many spiritual masters, initially when I met Swami Indradyumna, which preaches much I love andenthusiasm (and still does), but was not sure he really was my guru, in fact I wrote many times, but never I had a response from him, butyou really feel is my spiritual master, very recently is that I realizedthis and I am very happy doing service in the feast of cooking on Sunday and singing my 16 rounds and following the 4 regulative principles.

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Manuel

HpS - Jaya!    AGTSP   pamho.   Thank you for your letter.   Where are you?   Which country, temple???   You ae very fortunate to be engaged in such auspicious austerities.    If you go to www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt   You will find our comments on how we understand Guru.   Basically our idea is that we are following Srila Prabhupada and we are going back home to Godhead, and anybody following us, following Prabhupada is going back to Godhead.   In some ways it is that simple, unless we have simple clear understanding of Guru and then put our heart and sould into Krsna's service it doesn't mean much.