Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Sri Vrindavana Dham.

14 years, 1 month ago by Cakori Radha

We tried to get out of Vrindavana Dham so many times, but we could not leave because of different reasons, it seems to me that Krsna has an arrangement for us here. So the family decided to move from Chennai to Vrindavana and give the opportunity to the baby to be born in the land of Radharani. We found a nice house in the Caitanya Vihara area. We are working for our parents business, by internet. So our plan is to start a Bhakti Vriksa program here, so many wonderful Vaisnavas and not so much association outside the temple. For Christmas and New year the Latinamerican devotees got together and we had a nice program with lots and lots of prasadam. We have a compass, we know it well… and we use it to don’t get out of the path, but our stupid self likes to adventure to the unknown and get out of the road sometimes. Every time we take a real look at the Dham, we feel our spiritual master’s spirit and that is becoming a big source of energy for us. Nice to know that your Health is well, and that you had a nice Vyasapuja and that you are in Radha Desa. Sometimes we don’t have internet or electricity or water, it’s like living in another era. We made a mistake, we thought that what we wrote last time was the annual report… so we just realize that we miss the opportunity of sending you our annual report, we are so very sorry for the mistake. We have no authority in theory. We pray for the opportunity to be able to see you and our beloved God-Brothers and sisters in this upcoming Kartika. Our obeisance Guru Maharaja, Trying to be of some use, Cakori Radha Devi dasi.

HpS - AGTSP.    Pamho.  Thank you so much for news.  If you can stay in Vrndavana and have a little work that is the perfection of life. If Vrndavana then enters our heart then we can go out and distribute her to others also.   Best wishes for your family also. The Bhagavatam is full, full, full, of families. They made a succes of their human form of life!!!