Jiva Gosvami's understanding

13 years, 11 months ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

the first part seems very nice.


If there are any details that Jiva Gosvami and others see as different then it seems that they would be answered in Canto Seven:

My understanding matches quite well with Jiva Gosvami, Vyasa Deva etc.. The problem is that it does not match well with most Iskcon devotees.  . . . .   HpS  -  AGTSP!!    pamho.    Please excuse your inaboitities.   We are almost dead from travel and work in Peru.  GOt a chance to answer finally.  As soon as we hear phrases like "most Iskcon devotees" we fall apart:  Does it include Life Members? They can eat meat fish and eggs and have all kinds of illicit relations.  Does it mean GBC?  Has the writer interviewed ten devotees in all 500 ISKCON temples?  ? ? ?

Your servant,
