b. Mary, PERU

14 years ago

Hare Krsna Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I was staying with m.Yugala Kishor and b.Natalia in Shell temple this last month for December Marathon.
We were doing nice book distribution on the buses.
Natalia told me about your Monkey's dairy, and that is posible to get a copy. So I humbly request if it posible to get one also!

Why I deserve it?
Basically I don't deserve it, but because I wish to clean my heart, I think I need a copy to help me with his hard task!

Maharaja you are for me a wonderful inspiration! I would like to receive your blessings to be always connected to the service of book distribution.

Your servant,
(If it will be posible, maybe you can send Natalia's copy and mine togheter)


AGTSP  paoho.  Your name has been put on the List of the Fortunate!   Thank you so so so much for your association these days in Lima.  It is better than a red bicycle!