SB 3.29.21 - 25 AND Vaalmiki Ramayana 6/18/33

13 years, 11 months ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

>>We hope you are getting enough rest yourself

Yes. I am getting some rest but not complete. I think unrest is due to not seeing family members as manifestation of Krishna. If I see them belonging to Krishna and acting according to Krishna, then I won't be upset and would be at peace. At least I know the truth and trying to accept it. One day, hopefully I can rest with mind absorbed with presence of Krishna.

>> Guru and the Deity are also forms that Krsna authorizes to receive service.

Seeing everything as manifestation of Krishna (vasudeva sarvam) does not mean that Guru and Deity are not representative of Krishna. The result of deity worship and the knowledge from Guru is to see everything as manifestation of Krishna. It is beautifully explained in following verses:

SB 3.29.21: I am present in every living entity as the Supersoul. If someone neglects or disregards that Supersoul everywhere and engages himself in the worship of the Deity in the temple, that is simply imitation.

SB 3.29.22: One who worships the Deity of Godhead in the temples but does not know that the Supreme Lord, as Paramatma, is situated in every living entity’s heart, must be in ignorance and is compared to one who offers oblations into ashes.

SB 3.29.23: One who offers Me respect but is envious of the bodies of others and is therefore a separatist never attains peace of mind, because of his inimical behavior towards other living entities.

SB 3.29.24: My dear Mother, even if he worships with proper rituals and paraphernalia, a person who is ignorant of My presence in all living entities never pleases Me by the worship of My Deities in the temple.

SB 3.29.25: Performing his prescribed duties, one should worship the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead until one realizes My presence in his own heart and in the hearts of other living entities as well.

>>That was Dvidvida and Mainda's problem,

I am not philosophical and don't understand the story of Dvivida and Mainda. Want to keep bhakti (sharana gati) as simple. Sharanagati (Taking refuge in the Lord) is a very easy and great spiritual discipline!  Bhagavan Ram has said - 

Akrudev prapannaaya tavaasmeeti cha yaachate |  Abhayam sarvabhootebhyo dadaamye tad vratam mama ||  (Vaalmiki Ramayana  6/18/33) 

 "He who once taking refuge says "I am yours"  and desires my protection,  I make him fearless from all beings – this is my vow, my rule."

I think you are also teaching the same. You want me to accept RAM AS MINE and say to Him -  I AM YOURS. If I sincerely say to Ram that I am His, then what is the PROBLEM.

Guru (you, Swami Ramsukh Das etc) has shown me Ram and taught me that I am Ram's. He has opened my eyes. But after opening of my eyes, I can directly see Ram. I should be still be respectful to teachers but that does not mean that they are mediator in my relationship with Ram. MY RELATIONSHIP WITH RAM IS ETERNAL. IT ALWAYS EXISTS. GURU REMINDS ME OF MY ETERNAL RELATIONSHIP. THAT IS IT. ACCEPTING THE ETERNAL RELATIONSHIP WITH RAM IS NOT DISRESPECTFUL TO GURU BUT IT GIVES HIM PLEASURE.

Right now, I am trying to see Krishna in everyone and everywhere. He is mine  and I am His. By accepting Ram as mine, I am trying to be peaceful, fearless, without doubts ........

Your servant,


HpS -  Jaya  AGTSP  pamho.    Is very nice letter.   I often think of these verses, also BG 4.34 and 4.35. I think one subtle point that we are trying to clarify is based on this text where Lord Caitanya say,

naham varni na ca grha patir ... 

Can you find that?   He says that he is not a participant in the Varna ashrama system or I would add a Guru as in the formality of Varna ashrama.  He says that He is just a servant of a servant of a servant, 100 million times, of the maste of the Gopis, Sri Krsna.  So our conception is that in Vaisnava diksa we see that our Guru is representative of Rama, Krsna, and that our relationship of service to Gopal through him is eternal.  Guru is like glasses.  End of BG one purpot Prabhupada says this.  can you find it???   The experience of Krsna is direct but through the transparent via media of Guru parampara.

Is subtle many aspects to understand.  We are running now to airport.  Wait for your thoughts!