Hare Krishna!

12 years, 11 months ago by Manuel Poblete



Dear Gurumaharaj, I tried to read Srimad Bhagavatam, but I don´t  feel qualified, I think that until we can apply in my life the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita, Upadesanvrta y Sri Isopanisad, I will not be qualified to appreciate the nectar of Srimad Bhagavatam,  I wrongin thinkingthis way?

His aspiring servant

Bhakta Manuel

HpS - ASA   -  Jaya!    Srila Prabhupada wrote books for everybody.   I think BG is very tough.   It is an Upanishad, just like Isopanishad.  To me these are books for people like Kant and Socrates.  They are beginning books, but for very intellectual beginners.  So, these books are great, but what about reading the KRSNA book the same time??? ? ?         Also, biography of Sirila Prabhuapada. Science of Self Realization.   What about th Bio-graphy of Lord Caitanya at the begiining of SB?