Pleace I would like to have your dairy...

13 years, 3 months ago

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Pleace acept my humble obedience at your lotus feet

Thank you for taking me to Krishna lotus feet and back to godgead

Hare Krishna Guru maharaja, We are doing all the preparations to install S.Prabhupadas murti in Mar del Plata and doin sankirtan day long..MdP is full of turists and many programs of preaching are coming to us by  the mercy of Krishna and his devotis...

I would like to recieve your dairy, if it´s posible and if you think I realy deserv it.....,Thank you very much for your visit to MdP it was very entusistic and let me see many work I have to do to try to serve you and purify my hart from all material desires....

Your eternal servant

Panca tattva das  

HpS - AGTSP   pamho.  It was a great honor for us to be in Mar de Plata and try to participate in the progams. Piggy has some of the photos in his next Diary.

Monkey has put your name in the Calendar for March when he plans to publish and will ask you for an appropriate address then.

Please, please send us news from Mar.     Nicasio is here in BsAs for these days.    Please offer our respects to Maha-jana.  Get up early!