¡My most respectful obeisances to Sri Krishna Caytania!
¡My most respectful obeisances to Sri prabhupada!
¡My most respectful obeisances to Hanumat Presaka Swami!
I'm very sorry because i didn't writing you, a letter in two weeks, i was looking devotees that would go to Bs As, but they don't know until now... I looking an agent travel for that they give me a offer, where devotees can go to Bs As several cheaper...(is a service that Arjuna recommended me and i accept for devotees). i would like to lead a team of devotees, but if krishna Chaitanya Wants.
On the last time, i have so much service in the kitchen, cleaning the hall, singing bhajans for programs of municipalities, give prasadam and now i want participate on food for life.
I have something to say, On the Sunday after service on the temple, i felt the revelation of krishna in my heart that the devotee is more important than me, what mean that? i´m so ignorant, only i read Bg once time. i'm so limited, i have only a few money for the temple or help them, and that i feel impotence for that. But i want to go to Buenos Aires for see and listen you.
Thank you maharaj and please accept my most respectful obeisances.
HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho. Please sign your letter!! I remember you but we also need your name for our dull brain system!! To stay in the Temple of course you need to make arrangement with the authorities in BsAs. Also we are going to Mar de Plata for a few days. For us to meet is nice, but it will also be very nice for you to see other parts of ISKCON. Travel teaches!