Jaya Krishna Balaram! Jaya Sri Vrindhavandam!

14 years ago

Hare Krsna dear Maharaj,

please acept my humble obeisances

Bhaktin Valentina, 15 years old, 4 principies, 16 ronds-Santiago,Chile

I'm done with school!!, have finished with a good average, my parents are happy and satisfied. Now I have more time to do service on the temple, I'm in good asociation with mother Raman Reti devi dasi, she is fine, we do the cleaning service on the morning, sometimes I have to do the garlands, but we are in constant asociation, she ask me how the ronds are and I'm remembering her the Gayatri, she is like my tutor :) , have realized with mother Raman Reti that the treatment to the people that aren't devotees is very important in preache and in that aspect sometimes we fail, so we are triying to improve that.

Hope your health go well,

Your servant,

Bhaktin Valentina

HpS   -  AGTSP   paoho.   We can get this pig out of our letter!  Ja!   JJa!  J!

Thank you for your super letter.  Just think how the world would be if everyone in the world was you!

Would it be a nice world?

Our obeisances to M. Raman reti.  We have been talking and writing a lot with Bhadra Gopal, Rama-keli and Amara. Also here we are wih the B'caris, Abhimanyu, Paundram, Madhavendra et al.  Think we will get to Chile next July.  It is 12.42 AM we have been up all night answering letters!  your's  is very very nice. Just continue like this and you will undestand who you are!<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/36.gif" title="" />